About Clarted!
The word clarted has many meanings in English slang - to be mudded or smeared by dirt, to be punched or knocked out, or to be generally messed up. Regardless of your chosen meaning, many of these definitions are apt to describe the purpose of the clarted game - which is quite simply to get you and your pals drunk, which is scientifically proven to lead to a great night.
Lots of drinking games can get me drunk, what makes clarted special? Well, despite the easy to play but fun base game, the clarted cards also come with poker style suits and numbers. This means your clarted cards now double up as a pack playing cards. Essentially giving you access to multiple games in one.
So stop thinking of your clarted cards as a drinking game, but instead think of them as a multi purpose tool to get you clarted!

Play multiple games with one deck!
Shop nowThe rules are simple
The game is simple as grabbing a group of pals and then taking it in turns to grab a card from the deck.
Simply follow the instructions on each card.
Nothing is required other than your mates, drink and cups.
If you fancy getting clarted in a different manner, then you can always play one of many classic drinking games using the poker style numbers and suits.